/* * * Copyright (c) 2007 e-nova technologies pvt. ltd. (kevin.muller@enova-tech.net || http://www.enova-tech.net) * Dual licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) * and GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) licenses. * __ ___ ___ __ __ __ * /'__`\ __ /' _ `\ / __`\ /\ \/\ \ /'__`\ * /\ __/ /\__\ /\ \/\ \ /\ \_\ \\ \ \_/ |/\ \_\.\_ * (o_ \ \____\ \/__/ \ \_\ \_\\ \____/ \ \___/ \ \__/.\_\ _o) * (/)_ \/____/ \/_/\/_/ \/___/ \/__/ \/__/\/_/ _(\) * * Prevents Headaches ! * * JMyCarousel is inspired and based on JCarouselLite, an original concept by Ganeshji Marwaha * * * $LastChangedDate: 2007-06-22 20:08:34 -0500 (Thu, 22 Nov 2007) $ * $Rev: 15 $ * * Version: 0.1 */ (function ( $ ) { // Compliant with jquery.noConflict() $.fn.jMyCarousel = function(o) { o = $.extend({ btnPrev: null, // previous button customization btnNext: null, // next button customization mouseWheel: true, // shall the carousel handle the mousewheel event to animate ? auto: false, // shall the carousel start automatically speed: 500, // speed in ms of the animation. easing: 'linear', // linear animation. vertical: false, // set the carousel in a vertical mode circular: true, // run in circular mode. Means : images never reach the end. visible: '4', // size of the carousel on the screen. Can be in percent '100%', in pixels '100px', or in images '3' (for 3 images) start: 0, // position in pixels that the carousel shall start at scroll: 1, step: 50, // value in pixels, or "default" eltByElt: false, // if activated, the carousel will move image by image, not more, not less. evtStart : 'mouseover', // start event that we want for the animation (click, mouseover, mousedown, etc..) evtStop : 'mouseout', // stop event that we want for the animation (blur, mouseout, mouseup, etc..) beforeStart: null, // Not used yet afterEnd: null // Not used yet }, o || {}); return this.each(function() { // Returns the element collection. Chainable. var running = false, animCss=o.vertical?"top":"left", sizeCss=o.vertical?"height":"width"; var div = $(this), ul = $("ul", div), tLi = $("li", ul), tl = tLi.size(), v = o.visible; var mousewheelN = 0; // will help for the mousewheel effect (to count how many steps we have to walk ahead) var defaultBtn = (o.btnNext === null && o.btnPrev === null) ? true : false; var cssU = (v.toString().indexOf("%") != -1 ? '%' : (v.toString().indexOf("px") != -1) ? 'px' : 'el'); var direction = null; // used to keep in memory in which direction the animation is moving // circular mode management // we add at the end and at the beginning some fake images to make the circular effect more linear, so it never breaks // It is still possible to improve the memory management by adding exactly the number of images requested. if(o.circular) { var imgSet = tLi.clone(); ul.prepend(imgSet).append(imgSet.clone()); } var li = $("li", ul); // list div.css("visibility", "visible"); li.css("overflow", "hidden") // If the list item size is bigger than required .css("float", o.vertical ? "none" : "left") // Horizontal list .children().css("overflow", "hidden"); // If the item within li overflows its size, hide'em if(!o.vertical){ li.css("display", "inline"); } // IE double margin bug - rooo.. if(li.children().get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() == 'a' && !o.vertical){ li.children().css('float','left'); } if(o.vertical && jQuery.browser.msie){ // Hack IE (again..) / purpose is to cancel the white space below the image when the carousel is in vertical mode // The issue comes up when li is not in float:left. so we put it in float:left and adjust the size li.css('line-height', '4px').children().css('margin-bottom', '-4px'); } ul.css("margin", "0") // Browsers apply default margin .css("padding", "0") // and padding. It is reset here. .css("position", "relative") // IE BUG - width as min-width .css("list-style-type", "none") // We dont need any icons representing each list item. .css("z-index", "1"); // IE doesnt respect width. So z-index smaller than div div.css("overflow", "hidden") // Overflows - works in FF .css("position", "relative") // position relative and z-index for IE .css("z-index", "2") // more than ul so that div displays on top of ul .css("left", "0px"); // after creating carousel show it on screen var liSize = o.vertical ? height(li) : width(li); // Full li size(incl margin)-Used for animation var liSizeV = o.vertical ? elHeight(li) : height(li); // size of the main layer, in its side var curr = o.start; // Current position in pixels var nbAllElts = li.size(); // Total number of items var ulSize = liSize * nbAllElts; // size of full ul(total length, not just for the visible items) var nbElts = tl; // number of elements (only visible items) var eltsSize = nbElts * liSize; // size of the visible elements only var allEltsSize = nbAllElts * liSize; // Total size of the elements //var jmcSize = jmcSize(); // Size of the carousel var step = o.step == 'default' ? liSize : o.step; // step size //debug("liSize=" + liSize + "; liSizeV=" + liSizeV + "; curr=" + curr + "; visible : " + liSize * v); // debug o.btnPrev = defaultBtn ? $('') : $(o.btnPrev); o.btnNext = defaultBtn ? $('') : $(o.btnNext); var prev = o.btnPrev; var next = o.btnNext; /******* Buttons **********/ if(defaultBtn && o.auto !== true){ //Add buttons when necessary (In default mode and not auto) prev.css({'opacity':'0.6'}); next.css({'opacity' :'0.6'}); div.prepend(prev); div.prepend(next); o.btnPrev = prev; o.btnNext = next; } // Element by element management (eltBYElt = true) if(o.eltByElt){ step = liSize; // the step size is necessarily the size of the element if(o.start % liSize !== 0){ // If a start position was given and was not exactly positionned between 2 images var imgStart = parseInt(o.start / liSize); // we adjust it curr = o.start = (imgStart * liSize); // we set the starting position at a fixed point, between 2 images. } } // Adjust the start position in case of circular mode if(o.circular){ o.start += (liSize * tl); // The start position is one carousel length ahead due to the optical effect curr += (liSize * tl); // used for the animation } // Calculates the size of the main div according to the given size (can be in percent, in value or in pixels) var divSize, cssSize, cssUnity; if(cssU == '%'){ // in percent divSize = 0; // We don't have the value in pixels unless we set the percent value first. So 0, and will catch it later cssSize = parseInt(v); cssUnity = "%"; } else if(cssU == 'px'){ // in pixels divSize = parseInt(v); cssSize = parseInt(v); cssUnity = "px"; } else{ // in elements (number of elements to display) divSize = liSize * parseInt(v); cssSize = liSize * parseInt(v); cssUnity = "px"; } // Adjust the carousel size with the correct values //li.css("width", imgSize(li, 'width')) // inner li width. this is the box model width //.css("height", imgSize(li), 'height'); // inner li height. this is the box model height ul.css(sizeCss, ulSize + "px") // Width of the UL is the full length for all the images .css(animCss, -(o.start)); // Set the starting item div.css(sizeCss, cssSize + cssUnity); // Width of the DIV. length of visible images if(o.vertical && cssUnity == '%'){ // Bugfix - % in vertical mode are badly handled by the browsers var pxsize = ((liSize * nbElts) * (parseInt(v) / 100)); div.css(sizeCss, pxsize + 'px'); // The height of the carousel is based on the visible elements size } if(divSize === 0){ // We didn't have the size in pixels in case of % size. Catch up ! divSize = div.width(); // The size is simply the calculated size in pixels } // Adjust the height of the carousel (width in vertical mode) if(o.vertical){ // vertical mode div.css("width" , liSizeV + 'px'); ul.css("width", liSizeV + 'px'); li.css('margin-bottom', (parseInt(li.css('margin-bottom')) * 2) + 'px'); // bypass the "margin collapsing" effect by multiplying the margin-bottom by 2 li.eq(li.size() - 1).css('margin-bottom', li.css('margin-top')); // Last element has to be the right margin since no margin collapse there }else{ // horizontal mode div.css('height', liSizeV + 'px'); ul.css('height', liSizeV + 'px'); } // Calculate the number of visible elements inside (in case of size in percent) if(cssU == '%'){ v = divSize / li.width(); if(v % 1 !== 0){ v +=1; } v = parseInt(v); } var divVSize = div.height(); // div height //////////////////////// // Buttons management // //////////////////////// if(defaultBtn){ next.css({'z-index':200, 'position':'absolute'}); prev.css({'z-index':200, 'position':'absolute'}); //Positionate the arrows and adjust the arrow images if(o.vertical){ prev.css({'width': prev.width(), 'height' : prev.height(), 'top' : '0px', 'left': parseInt(liSizeV / 2) - parseInt(prev.width() / 2) + 'px'}); next.css({'width': prev.width(), 'height' : prev.height(), 'top' : (divVSize - prev.height()) + 'px', 'left' : parseInt(liSizeV / 2) - parseInt(prev.width() / 2) + 'px'}); } else{ prev.css({'left':'0px', 'top': parseInt(liSizeV / 2) - parseInt(prev.height() / 2) + 'px'}); next.css({'right':'0px', 'top': parseInt(liSizeV / 2) - parseInt(prev.height() / 2) + 'px'}); } } // Bind the events with the "previous" button if(o.btnPrev){ $(o.btnPrev).bind(o.evtStart, function() { if(defaultBtn){ o.btnPrev.css('opacity',0.9); } running = true; direction = 'backward'; return backward(); }); $(o.btnPrev).bind(o.evtStop, function() { if(defaultBtn){ o.btnPrev.css('opacity',0.6); } running = false; direction = null; return stop(); }); } // Bind the events with the "next" button if(o.btnNext){ $(o.btnNext).bind(o.evtStart, function() { if(defaultBtn){ o.btnNext.css('opacity',0.9); } running = true; direction = 'forward'; return forward(); }); $(o.btnNext).bind(o.evtStop,function() { if(defaultBtn){ o.btnNext.css('opacity',0.6); } running = false; direction = null; return stop(); }); } // auto scroll management (auto = true). => launch the animation if(o.auto === true){ running = true; forward(); } // Mousewheel management if(o.mouseWheel && div.mousewheel){ div.mousewheel(function(e, d) { if(!o.circular && (d > 0 ? (curr + divSize < ulSize) : (curr > 0)) || o.circular){ //prevents the mouse events to occur in case of circular mode mousewheelN += 1; //one more step to do, store it. if(running === false){ if(d > 0){ forward(step, true); } else { backward(step, true); } running = true; } } }); } /** * Animate the track by moving it forward according to the step size and the speed * @param stepsize, the size of the step (optional) * @param once, shall the animation continue endlessly until we set running to false ? (optional) */ function forward(stepsize, once){ var s = (stepsize ? stepsize : step); if(running === true && direction === "backward"){ return; } //If not circular, no need to animate endlessly if(!o.circular){ //will the next step overtake the last image ? if(curr + s + (o.vertical ? divVSize : divSize) > eltsSize){ s = eltsSize - (curr + (o.vertical ? divVSize : divSize)); } } ul.animate( animCss == "left" ? { left: -(curr + s) } : { top: -(curr + s) } , o.speed, o.easing, function() { curr += s; //Add step size //Calculate whether we cross the limit, //if so, put the carousel one time backward if(o.circular){ if(curr + (o.vertical ? divVSize : divSize) + liSize >= allEltsSize){ ul.css(o.vertical ? 'top' : 'left', -curr + eltsSize); curr -= eltsSize; } } if(!once && running){ forward(); } else if(once){ if(--mousewheelN > 0){ this.forward(step, true); } else{ running = false; direction = null; } } } ); } /** * Animate the track by moving it backward according to the step size and the speed * @param stepsize, the size of the step (optional) * @param once, shall the animation continue endlessly until we set running to false ? (optional) */ function backward(stepsize, once){ var s = (stepsize ? stepsize : step); if(running === true && direction === "forward"){ return; } //If not circular, no need to animate endlessly if(!o.circular){ //will the next step overtake the first image ? if(curr - s < 0){ s = curr - 0; } } ul.animate( animCss == "left" ? { left: -(curr - s) } : { top: -(curr - s) } , o.speed, o.easing, function() { curr -= s; //Calculate if we cross the limit, //if so, put the carousel one time backward if(o.circular){ if(curr <= liSize){ ul.css(o.vertical ? 'top' : 'left', -(curr + eltsSize)); curr += eltsSize; } } if(!once && running){ backward(); } else if(once){ if(--mousewheelN > 0){ backward(step, true); } else{ running = false; direction = null; } } } ); } /** * Stops the animation * Basically, tells the animation not to continue */ function stop(){ if(!o.eltByElt){ //If we don't move elements by elements, then we can stop immediately ul.stop(); // stop the animation straight curr = 0 - parseInt(ul.css(animCss)); // We stopped suddenly, so the curr variable is not refreshed. We refresh it with the true value } running = false; // default value and in case we proceed element by element (eltByElt = true) direction = null; } /** * Return the size of the carousel, everything included (height or length depending on o.vertical) */ /*function jmcSize(){ var img = $('ul li img', div); var sizeLi = (o.vertical ? img.width() : img.height()); var elt = img; while(elt.parent().get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() != 'div'){ sizeLi += (o.vertical ? (parseInt(elt.css('marginLeft')) + parseInt(elt.css('marginRight')) + parseInt(elt.css('paddingRight')) + parseInt(elt.css('paddingLeft'))) : (parseInt(elt.css('marginTop')) + parseInt(elt.css('marginBottom')) + parseInt(elt.css('paddingTop')) + parseInt(elt.css('paddingBottom')))); elt = elt.parent(); } return sizeLi; }*/ /** * Calculate and return the size of the image in the element * @param el, the element * @param dimension, 'width' or 'height'. * @return the requested size in pixels. */ function imgSize(el, dimension){ if(dimension == 'width'){ return el.find('img').width(); } else { return el.find('img').height(); } } /** * Size of an element li with its margin calculated from scratch (without any call to width except for the image size) * usefull in case of vertical carousel, when the size of each element is 100%. * @param el, the element * @return the size of the element in pixels */ function elHeight(el){ var elImg = el.find('img'); if(o.vertical){ return parseInt(el.css('margin-left')) + parseInt(el.css('margin-right')) + parseInt(elImg.width()) + parseInt(el.css('border-left-width')) + parseInt(el.css('border-right-width')) + parseInt(el.css('padding-right')) + parseInt(el.css('padding-left')); } else{ return parseInt(el.css('margin-top')) + parseInt(el.css('margin-bottom')) + parseInt(elImg.width()) + parseInt(el.css('border-top-height')) + parseInt(el.css('border-bottom-height')) + parseInt(el.css('padding-top')) + parseInt(el.css('padding-bottom')); } } function debug(html){ $('#debug').html($('#debug').html() + html + "
"); } }); }; function css(el, prop) { return parseInt($.css(el[0], prop)) || 0; } function width(el) { return el[0].offsetWidth + css(el, 'marginLeft') + css(el, 'marginRight'); } function height(el) { return el[0].offsetHeight + css(el, 'marginTop') + css(el, 'marginBottom'); } })(jQuery);